
Everyone working with your information has a legal duty to keep it confidential and therefore all patient records held on file, either on paper or on computer, are strictly confidential. However, on occasions it is necessary for certain information to be passed to associated personnel in other medical concerns as well as the National Health Service at large.

The principal organisations with which your information may be shared are:

Confidential stamp

  • Hospital, Community and Mental Health Trusts
  • Primary Care Trusts / Clinical Commissioning Group (PCTs & CCG's)
  • General Practitioners (GPs)
  • Ambulance Services and Social Services (if they are involved in your care).

These occasions are usually in respect of referrals for other appointments and consultants, or for blood, or other specimen testing. We may be referring you to other clinics, hospitals, test centres or related professionals such as Physiotherapists, Chiropractors, Chiropodists, etc., and it is essential that some information is sent with your referral. The Practice promises to send only the detail relevant to the referral.

Your information is subject to strict agreements describing how it will be used and only if necessary for your care may be shared with:

  • Local Authorities
  • NHS Common Services Agencies
  • Voluntary Organisations and other care providers

Should you have concerns relating to this policy, please do not hesitate to ask a member of staff


Freedom of Information

The Freedom of Information Act 2000 obliges the practice to produce a Publication Scheme. A Publication Scheme is a guide to the 'classes' of information the practice intends to routinely make available. This scheme is available from reception.