PPG Minutes: 31st January 2022

1. Attendees and Apologies

Present: Chairman Tony Broadrick (TB), Kulvinder Singh (KS), Mark Solly (MS), Debbie Arnold (DA), Claire Stanley (CS), Barbara Bamber(BB) and Caroline Frampton (CF) (note taker).

The meeting was observed by the PCN Administrator.

Apologies: Susan Pamphlett, Bhupi Singh, Michael Wood and Amelia (student member)


2. Review of Meeting 15th November and any Action Points

Website - Surgery is continuing to work on the website to make it more accessible. Website is to be updated monthly. Guides to be provided.

Surgery to advise PPG if they need help with the website.

Minutes on the website – to be discussed at a future meeting.

Facebook page for the surgeries – to be reviewed by Partners in six months’ time.


3. Secretary’s Report

See Note 7 below.


4. Treasurers Report

The balance is £1,597. To be discussed at next meeting.


5. Newsletter / Website

See update in Section 2 above.

Training being provided to medical staff etc should be detailed on the Website.

There is a new message on the surgery answerphone.

Not able to book online yet. However, the booking systems are making appointments 4 weeks in advance.

The NHS surveys, emails etc will be uploaded to the website in the next phase.

Photographs of staff on the website – it was felt that this would be useful to patients. PPG offered to assist with this if required.


6. Update on Vaccinations, flu clinics, covid booster (KS)

The uptake is dropping now as most people who want the vaccination have been vaccinated. Flu clinics have finished for the season. Home based patients have been vaccinated.


7. Pilot Schemes

Surgery to provide suitable schemes for discussion to involve student help as per discussion at last PPG meeting.

Partners have agreed for this to be deferred as it involves too much support from the surgery at this stage.


8. Surgery Update on proposals for both GP surgeries development as outlined in Downs Mail.

The newspaper article was discussed.


9. Any Other Business

The ‘thank you’ from the PPG to all staff at the surgeries was well received.

Surgery to pass on to the PPG the names of any patients that have expressed an interest in joining the PPG.

Date of next meeting - Monday 11 April 2022 at 6:00pm at Shepway Surgery.