PPG Minutes: 17th April 2023

1. Attendees and Apologies

Present: Chairman Tony Broadrick (TB), Kulvinder Singh (KS), Susan Pamphlett (SP), Louise Swales (LS), and Caroline Frampton (CF) (note taker).

Apologies:  Buphi Singh, Mark Solly (MS), Debbie Arnold (DA), Michael Wood (MA), Claire Stanley (CS), Amelia and Basil (student members).


2. Review of Meeting 16th January and any Action Points

The January notes were agreed.

Photos of GP staff on the website – update for next meeting.

Notice Board - A draft poster was circulated and agreed by the Group.

Agreed to add the email address. The poster will be displayed in the surgeries and on the website.


3. Secretary’s Report

Nothing to report


4. Treasurers Report

It was noted that the local bank on the Sutton Road has closed. Nearest branch is now in Maidstone.

The patient donation is to be used to purchase an Asthma diagnosis machine. This machine diagnose and confirms asthma. 


5. Premises Update

Further meeting later in April.


6. Update on Immunisation Clinics

Vaccinations for care homes has been completed.


7. Primary Care Network (PCN) / Patient Participation Group (PPG)

To be a standing item on the agenda.

The second meeting was on 22 February at Bower Mount Surgery. Mark and Tony attended this meeting. Louise also attended. The objective of these meetings is to co-ordinate activity between PCNs.


8. CQC Inspection

The inspection resulted in a ‘good’ rating.


9. Any Other Business

Menopause Presentation – 25 May. Final preparations including finding a venue. Intending for approximately 150 people to attend.

The new patients list was opened on 01/05/23. This is for people moving into the area and do not have a GP.

The two chemists at Grove Green and Shepway have been taken over by new providers.

Date of next meeting

Monday 17 July at 6:00pm at Shepway Surgery.